Saturday, September 5, 2009


So I dropped another pound from yesterday, an ok change but it needs to be more. So far today I've been able to avoid food, on the way to B's place me and J stopped for breakfast at a convenience store, I browsed the food looking thoughtful and hiding my dread of it all. My friend made a good and bad comment to me after I claimed I wasn't hungry: he said "if you aren't hungry I'm not gonna force you to eat."

Possibly the worst thing for him to say to me, and I plan to use it to my best ability to avoid eating today, though he may get suspicious...

1 comment:

Ana's Girl said...

Haha. He doesn't know what he's getting himself into, does he? That's alright; he doesn't need to know. Just stay strong and do your best to find a bit of a balance to keep him from being too suspicious.