Friday, March 27, 2009

the fast continues

Today was more fasting. Not a crumb of food went past my lips today. The temptations were there but my willpower turned out to be even greater than food. That's two days down. 8 more to go. I have this terrible feeling that on sunday I may be forced to break my fast, not positive yet. Should I be forced into eating I'll be going for the absolute lowest amount. Even if I would want to go for more, I have no doubt that my stomache has shrank already, which is a glorious thing.

I feel I'm starting to get the nice euphoric surge from starving, though I did notice that I was a lot more irratible today, but nothing great will come without sacrifice. I'm looking forward and at the same time dreading looking at the scales, I want so much for my weight to drop but I'm terrified that it won't be dropping as much as I want it to.


Mango said...

That's great! I hope you can avoiding eating... =) Tell them you're fasting for Lent? ^.^ That's what I do. It always works. No one questions religion. =)

Anonymous said...

That's often true, people rarely question religion ha ha

And yes great job! My fast is going swell, I'm only hoping my mother doesn't take me to lunch tomorrow...

Tip for irritability: sleep more! I'm actually about to take a nap now... And it keeps you away from food, which is always good :P

One of Ana's Boys said...

Well for me tomorrow may turn out to be a small problem, I'm hanging out with my friend all day and no doubt he'll wanna go out for chinese or something, so that kinda sucks... but my stomache should have shrank so I shouldn't be able to even get much in to it.

Also I can't really use the religion excuse since I'm pretty much agnostic and don't really follow a religion, good idea but it won't work out for me.

Mango said...

The only problem would be if everyone KNEW you were agnostic... If they know that, then yes, I'd have to agree.. It wouldn't work. =/

One of Ana's Boys said...

Yeah and pretty much everyone who would be asking for that reason would know that I am.

Mango said...

Ahhh that sucks. =(

Hey... I was just thinking... What's it like being an ana guy? Yeah, I've read your whole blog. But you don't really mention what it's like being ana when it's seen as a predominantly girl thing... Or do you not even think about that?